Court Calendar & Dress Code
City of Harlowton Court Calendar
City Court is located on the 3rd floor of Wheatland County Courthouse. Office hours are 10:00am-1:00pm Tuesdays and Thursdays
Office phone 406-632-4821
Office Fax 406-632-4873
Courtroom Gallery Etiquette
- No weapons of any kind.
- No drugs, intoxicating substances, or alcohol of any kind.
- No backpacks or sports bags. Diaper bags allowed for small children, if necessary.
- No smoking or chewing tobacco.
- No food or gum.
- Drinks (other than water)in lidded containers only.
- All cell phones and elctronic devices MUST be silenced upon entry.
- Proper, semi-professional attire is required.
- Hats shall be removed in the courtroom and in Judge's Chambers.
- Quiet is required while Court is in session.
- It is best to avoid bringing children into the court unless they are witnesses.